Enable Betterlink for your browser

Install the Chrome Extension: Install from Google Store

  • No Charge -- Free to use
  • Once installed, will immediately work on all pages you visit

Support Betterlink: Pay via trusted vendors

If you've found this service to be valuable, please consider paying for the product. The amount is your choice. This helps us keep the lights on.

  1. Select your price:
  2. Choose your payment method

    All major credit cards accepted. Payments via bank account are also supported by PayPal and Amazon Payments.

Common Questions

If I share a link with someone, will they see my selection?

If they have also installed Betterlink on their browser, yes.

In addition to our browser extensions, we also offer the ability for websites to enable Betterlink for all of their users. If enabled, you would be able to view your selection on any browser: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and even the web browsers on your phones/iPads/tablets.

What happens if I share a link with somebody who doesn't have Betterlink?

Exactly the same thing that happens today: your friend will arrive at the top of the page. It will be as if you shared any regular website the 'old' way.

Alternate Browsers

At the moment, only Chrome has a dedicated browser extension.

If you would like to be contacted when a new extension is available, please leave your email address.

Developers: We are accepting contributions for additional browser extensions (or updates to existing ones) at our GitHub repository. Additionally, we have open-sourced the user-interface of Betterlink if you would like to help improve the web experience for everyone.

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